Referrals for mental health counseling - outpatient
click on the button/tab to go to agency web site
Please be aware that Allen Park Public Schools does not examine, determine, warrant or endorse the information on any of the sources in the referral list. Use of this referral is voluntary and will not result in any liability against Allen Park Public Schools
-->Agencies that have access to psychiatrist
Agencies that are counseling only (no psychiatrist on staff)
Please be aware that Allen Park Public Schools does not examine, determine, warrant or endorse the information on any of the sources in the referral list. Use of this referral is voluntary and will not result in any liability against Allen Park Public Schools
substance use support
Links are in the turquoise color
Substance Use: Call 800-662-4357 or text TalkWithUs to 66746 for information on substance use disorder treatment or visit the MDHHS Recovery and Substance Use website to find resources available in your area.
SAMHSA: Visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration webpage for resources for those affected by substance use disorders and/or mental health issues.
Groups that Occur by Phone: AA Meetings and NA Meetings are available by phone. Links are in the turquoise color
Virtual Groups: AA Meetings, In The Rooms holds virtual meetings for those recovering from addiction and related issues. My Recovery holds online meetings and forums for those in recovery.
Substance Use: Call 800-662-4357 or text TalkWithUs to 66746 for information on substance use disorder treatment or visit the MDHHS Recovery and Substance Use website to find resources available in your area.
SAMHSA: Visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration webpage for resources for those affected by substance use disorders and/or mental health issues.
Groups that Occur by Phone: AA Meetings and NA Meetings are available by phone. Links are in the turquoise color
Virtual Groups: AA Meetings, In The Rooms holds virtual meetings for those recovering from addiction and related issues. My Recovery holds online meetings and forums for those in recovery.